Autism / ASD Assessment
Autism Testing for Adults and Adolescents (18y - 35y) in Halifax,
Nova Scotia
What are Autism and ASD? Autism is a condition characterized by systematic, persistent, inflexible thinking and behaviour, as well as differences in sensory processing and social interaction.
It involves differences in the brain that are present from birth, and which evolve with the individual as they age. In other words, autism is a neurodevelopmental condition. It is not a disease, and it is not degenerative; in fact, autism is now recognized as being an asset to many individuals, and to society. Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) refers to the subset of individuals with autism who experience significant difficulty functioning in valued areas of their lives as a result of their differences. Navigating life with differences in sensory integration, information processing, and executive functioning can take extra mental energy, making everyday activities more strenuous and draining.
These differences can also affect a person's self-image and produce feelings of alienation. It is estimated that, while autism affects about 5% of the population, only about 1% of the population experiences impairments that would warrant an ASD diagnosis. Furthermore, among those who have an ASD, there is considerable variation from person to person in how differences show up, and in the degree of impairment.
Why Participate in an ASD Assessment? When differences associated with autism are affecting someone's quality of life, assessment may be a reasonable option. The results of an ASD assessment can inform interventions and strategies that have been shown to enhance a person's ability to navigate their world and to reach personal goals.
An ASD diagnosis can help individuals and their social networks to understand their differences and respond with compassion, while facilitating professional intervention, occupational accommodation, and self-advocacy.
Adult ASD Screening Questions If you are thinking about initiating an ASD assessment with us, consider the degree to which you agree with each of the statements below, as a quick self-test: 1) I notice small sounds when others do not 2) I concentrate more on the small details, rather than the whole picture 3) I find it difficult to do more than one thing at once 4) If there is an interruption, I can't switch back to what I was doing very quickly 5) I find it difficult to ‘read between the lines' when someone is talking to me 6) I don't know how to tell if someone listening to me is getting bored 7) When I'm reading a story I find it difficult to work out the characters' intentions 8) I like to collect information about categories of things (e.g. types of car, types of bird, types of train, types of plant, etc.) 9) I find it difficult to work out what someone is thinking or feeling just by looking at their face
10) I find it difficult to work out people's intentions
If you agreed strongly with 6 or more of the above statements, research suggests that you may have autism. If you experience significant difficulties as a result of these characteristics, an ASD assessment may be warranted, particularly if the characteristics have persisted since you were a child.
Adult & Adolescent (18+) ASD Assessment at Green Leaf Psychological AtGreen Leaf Psychologicalin Halifax, we offer adult ASD assessments that are based on best-practice standards in adult ASD diagnosis.Depending on your particular situation, a specialized adult ASD assessment at Green Leaf Psychological in Halifax may involve:
A detailed psycho-diagnostic interview
A collection of self-report questionnaires specific to ASD and to commonly co-occurring disorders
A structured, interactive evaluation, using formal assessment tools
A structured interview (in person or over the phone) with someone who can provide important developmental information relevant to ASD (typically a caregiver)
Following the assessment, we will provide you with a detailed report of all findings, carefully explain the results and conclusions, and provide a detailed set of recommendations based on the results. We now have a very good understanding of what ASD is, and there are many effective strategies for greatly reducing the impact that ASD has on your life.
Ready to have your questions about autism / ASD answered?
Are you considering getting an assessment for adult ASD? Do you live in the Halifax, Dartmouth, or Bedford area?
If you have any questions about our service or our specialized testing, pleasecontact usor complete the form below…we are happy to help you in any way we can.
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Green Leaf Psychological Services, Inc.
ADHD Assessment for Adults in Halifax, Nova Scotia