Can Phobias Be Treated In Therapy?

Let's start with some very good news.
Yes, phobias can be treated in therapy and usually respond very well to the types of counselling we provide!
Phobias are irrational and excessive fears that often cause intense distress and interfere with daily life.
In therapy, our psychologists can help you understand the root cause of your fears and learn effective coping mechanisms to manage them.
If you would like assistance for overcoming phobias or addressing fears in your life, we welcome you to book an appointment with our Halifax psychologists, or complete the form at the bottom of this page.
We offer both in-person and virtual therapy.
We offer supportive, evidence-based, scientifically validated therapy and custom match every client with a therapist who best suited for your needs and goals in counselling.
Yes, phobias can be treated in therapy and usually respond very well to the types of counselling we provide!
Phobias are irrational and excessive fears that often cause intense distress and interfere with daily life.
In therapy, our psychologists can help you understand the root cause of your fears and learn effective coping mechanisms to manage them.
If you would like assistance for overcoming phobias or addressing fears in your life, we welcome you to book an appointment with our Halifax psychologists, or complete the form at the bottom of this page.
We offer both in-person and virtual therapy.
We offer supportive, evidence-based, scientifically validated therapy and custom match every client with a therapist who best suited for your needs and goals in counselling.
What Is Exposure Therapy & Why Does It Work So Well?

Exposure therapy is a type of cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT). In CBT, the main goal is to help clients understand and change unhelpful thoughts and behaviours.
Exposure therapy, also known as systematic desensitization, is a very effective technique for treating phobias. It works by gradually exposing the client with the phobia to the feared object or situation, in a safe and controlled environment and usually pairing this with relaxation, calming, and grounding techniques.
Over time, this repeated exposure helps to reduce the fear response so that the you can face the object or situation without becoming overwhelmed.
While it might sound like a scary process, we need to emphasize that it is done very gradually, and that when provided by a skilled therapist, will not feel overwhelming.
This type of intervention can, over time, actually result in the person becoming bored (!) or disinterested in the feared object or situation - and it is virtually impossible to be simultaneously bored and scared.
It is a very powerful tool in treating phobias and other anxiety disorders!
Exposure therapy, also known as systematic desensitization, is a very effective technique for treating phobias. It works by gradually exposing the client with the phobia to the feared object or situation, in a safe and controlled environment and usually pairing this with relaxation, calming, and grounding techniques.
Over time, this repeated exposure helps to reduce the fear response so that the you can face the object or situation without becoming overwhelmed.
While it might sound like a scary process, we need to emphasize that it is done very gradually, and that when provided by a skilled therapist, will not feel overwhelming.
This type of intervention can, over time, actually result in the person becoming bored (!) or disinterested in the feared object or situation - and it is virtually impossible to be simultaneously bored and scared.
It is a very powerful tool in treating phobias and other anxiety disorders!
What Is The Difference Between Phobias & Fears?
In general, a phobia is a type of fear, but there are some differences between the two.
A phobia is clinical anxiety disorder characterized by an extreme and irrational fear of a specific object or situation, and can cause intense anxiety and distress. Fear, on the other hand, can be a normal emotional response to a real or perceived threat. It's often a natural and adaptive emotion that can alert us to potential dangers and help us react accordingly. For example, a fear might cause someone to feel some anxiety and trepidation before speaking in public, while a phobia of public speaking might be so intense that it could cause the person to completely avoid speaking in public. A fear of flying may cause someone to experience a degree of anxiety or stress when traveling by plane, while a flying phobia may be so intense that the person always avoid flying. |
What Causes Phobias?

Like most (if not all) mental health issues, phobias are often caused by a combination of genetic, evolutionary, and environmental factors.
For example, some people may have a genetic predisposition to developing a phobia, such as a strong fear response to certain stimuli.
Other people may develop phobias as a result of experiencing a traumatic event related to the object or situation they are now afraid of, which can create an association between the fear and the object or situation.
Of course, many of the most common phobias (please see the list below) can be linked to human evolution and the natural avoidance of things that could potentially hurt us (e.g., insects, snakes, germs, heights, tight spaces, etc.).
Additionally, learning and modeling behaviours from others can also contribute to the development of a phobia. For example, a child who observes a parent (or someone else who is very afraid of dogs) may be more likely to develop a similar phobia of dogs or other animals.
For example, some people may have a genetic predisposition to developing a phobia, such as a strong fear response to certain stimuli.
Other people may develop phobias as a result of experiencing a traumatic event related to the object or situation they are now afraid of, which can create an association between the fear and the object or situation.
Of course, many of the most common phobias (please see the list below) can be linked to human evolution and the natural avoidance of things that could potentially hurt us (e.g., insects, snakes, germs, heights, tight spaces, etc.).
Additionally, learning and modeling behaviours from others can also contribute to the development of a phobia. For example, a child who observes a parent (or someone else who is very afraid of dogs) may be more likely to develop a similar phobia of dogs or other animals.
What Are The Most Common Phobias?
Some of the more common phobias we treat at our Halifax clinic include:
Acrophobia (fear of heights) People with acrophobia often experience intense fear or anxiety when confronting high objects or places, such as looking out a window from a tall building, or flying on an airplane. Agoraphobia (fear of being in situations where escape might be difficult) Agoraphobia is a type of phobia that involves a fear of being in places or situations that feel unsafe or difficult to escape from. This may include crowded or confined spaces, such as elevators or public transportation, or open spaces like parks or stores. |
Social phobia (fear of social situations)
Social phobia, also known as social anxiety disorder, is a type of phobia characterized by an intense and disproportionate fear of social or performance situations. People with social phobia may experience intense fear of embarrassment or ridicule in social situations, may avoid social situation such as parties, and may often worry about being judged or rejected by others.
Zoophobia (fear of animals)
Zoophobia, or fear of animals, is a type of phobia characterized by an intense and irrational fear of certain animals. This fear may be directed towards a specific type of animal, such as snakes (ophidiophobia), spiders (arachnophobia), or dogs (cynophobia), or can be more general in nature.
Claustrophobia (fear of spaces that feel confined or restricted)
Claustrophobia is an intense and often irrational fear of being in closed or small spaces, such as an elevator, tunnel, or room. People with claustrophobia often experience panic attacks, difficulty breathing, and a strong desire to escape from the confined space.
Trypanophobia (fear of needles)
Trypanophobia, also known as needle phobia or injection phobia, is an intense and irrational fear of needles or injections. People with this phobia may experience extreme anxiety, fear, or panic when they even think about needles or injections. They may actively avoid health or dental appointments involving needles.
Social phobia, also known as social anxiety disorder, is a type of phobia characterized by an intense and disproportionate fear of social or performance situations. People with social phobia may experience intense fear of embarrassment or ridicule in social situations, may avoid social situation such as parties, and may often worry about being judged or rejected by others.
Zoophobia (fear of animals)
Zoophobia, or fear of animals, is a type of phobia characterized by an intense and irrational fear of certain animals. This fear may be directed towards a specific type of animal, such as snakes (ophidiophobia), spiders (arachnophobia), or dogs (cynophobia), or can be more general in nature.
Claustrophobia (fear of spaces that feel confined or restricted)
Claustrophobia is an intense and often irrational fear of being in closed or small spaces, such as an elevator, tunnel, or room. People with claustrophobia often experience panic attacks, difficulty breathing, and a strong desire to escape from the confined space.
Trypanophobia (fear of needles)
Trypanophobia, also known as needle phobia or injection phobia, is an intense and irrational fear of needles or injections. People with this phobia may experience extreme anxiety, fear, or panic when they even think about needles or injections. They may actively avoid health or dental appointments involving needles.
How Long Does It Take To Treat A Phobia?

For issues like depression, self-esteem, grief, and relationship issues, it can sometimes be challenging to predict the course and duration of therapy.
For phobias however, treatment usually follows a more predictable path. Generally, CBT for phobias is a shorter-term, focused treatment that can often be completed in fewer than 10 sessions.
Of course, for more complex or severe cases, more sessions may be necessary. Our psychologists will work with you to identify and address your specific goals and needs, and develop a treatment plan accordingly.
For phobias however, treatment usually follows a more predictable path. Generally, CBT for phobias is a shorter-term, focused treatment that can often be completed in fewer than 10 sessions.
Of course, for more complex or severe cases, more sessions may be necessary. Our psychologists will work with you to identify and address your specific goals and needs, and develop a treatment plan accordingly.
Can You Help Me Overcome My Phobia?

In many cases, cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is effective in helping people overcome their phobias, as it helps to identify the underlying causes of the fear and teaches coping strategies to manage it.
Exposure therapy (combined with relaxation and grounding techniques), which involves gradually and safely exposing a client to a feared object or situation, can be very helpful in reducing and even eliminating the fear.
In many cases, cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) is effective in helping people overcome their phobias, as it helps to identify the underlying causes of the fear and teaches coping strategies to manage it.
Exposure therapy (combined with relaxation and grounding techniques), which involves gradually and safely exposing a client to a feared object or situation, can be very helpful in reducing and even eliminating the fear.
Let's Get Started.

We are conveniently located in Halifax, Nova Scotia and have many clients from the areas of Bedford, Sackville, Clayton Park, and Dartmouth.
We provide in-person and online therapy to all of Nova Scotia and also offer virtual counselling to clients in New Brunswick.
Please complete our short request form below and we will be in touch asap with appointment options.
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Green Leaf Psychological - Halifax, Nova Scotia
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Green Leaf Psychological Services, Inc.